Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Oh my!  Clinic called and told me that I needed to increase by 66% in order to be considered 'acceptable', so that puts me around 1700 or so.  I was hoping for 1800-1900, just because I am a teeny-tiny bit type-A.  Well, type-A be damned, my uterus has decided that it is type-A++.

My HCG is 2389 today.  Well more than doubled in 48 hours.  Next week on to ultrasound to see how many are in there.

Off for more research.  I might throw up, just a little.  But in a good way.


J Fife said...


Anonymous said...

Great- can't wait to hear more.

Hopeful Mother said...

"Oh my" is right! Methinks you may have more than one in there...

I hope all continues to go well! I am cheering for you!

Nico said...

Oh happy day! Great doubling!!

Thalia said...

What an overachiever! Congratulations.

At you can check out just how much of an overachiever you are.