Another update, just a quickie though.
Got a call from the office and they got our 'first look' results. This is the nuchal fold and some blood work. From these they make a risk analysis of the chance for down's. We got a lower risk factor than my age predicts. For us that is earth-shattering information. We have never been on the other side of the curve for anything in this process.
I will get H to scan the US and I will try to upload a belly picture later today or this weekend. JFife, you do realize that of course I took a photo of both the belly and the boobs. Not a 'pervy' one, but just something to remember them by. I haven't gotten any bigger during the last few weeks, which is a little disappointing, but probably a good thing. I just added my next appointment to my work calendar and have it repeating so that people don't schedule me for meetings in the mornings on Mondays (the only day my dr is in during the summer). I have the repeat on and had to keep changing the length to see how far out to go. Turns out I only have to have the repeat on for 6 months. I do hope that in 6 months there is good news at the end of this rainbow.
Sounds good! can't wait to see the pics! Keeping everything crossed for you, and your little wonder baby! Praying that in 6 months you will be holding your own little pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
So glad that your test results are in your favor for a change.
I'm praying that in 6 months you'll have the best news ever and that you won't need a photo to remember your enhancements.
I am so glad to hear that everything is progressing well, and great news on the NT results. It is so nice to be on "the good side" of stats for once, huh???!!!
Would love to see your belly shot!
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