Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thank Goodness!

On Nov 19 we had our first of the blood tests and b-hCG was 48! They asked me to come back in 48 hours to 'confirm' and I was 129.

That is a doubling time of 1.4 days, or 33.6 hours.

Nov 19-

b-hCG 48
Progesterone 287

Nov 21
b-hCG 129

I return on Nov 28, so hopefully things will continue well.

Tomorrow I have 17 people in my house for Thanksgiving. I am not ready to tell them, so this will be awkward.

1 comment:

J Fife said...

Yes! Sending good vibes your way. Pig out and have a great Thanksgiving. I WANT TO GIVE YOU A HUG!